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Blogging to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings - 5 Vital Points to Consider

By Godfrey Thaxter

Are you thinking about improving your blogging to get a higher ranking in the search engines? Well, you are not alone. While there are millions of blogs online trying to accomplish this feat not many do. Some people spend most of their time working on its appearance, while others choose between placing more affiliate programs or interacting with there visitors. Now while all of these activities will contribute to its effectiveness in some way, your time could be more well spent on other activities.

As an internet marketer your ultimate goal is to make money, and for you to accomplish this you will have to find effective ways to generate lots of traffic to your website consistently. Blogging offers a very unique solution to this problem. It is easy to set up and maintain as you don't have to know HTML or any technical skills, but you do need to take some steps to increase its visibility.

Here are 5 points that you can add to your blogging activities to improve its ranking in the search engines:

1. Relevance In Your Blog Title And URL - It is important that your title and URL are search engine friendly. Don't use meaningless jumbles for your URL like a bunch of letters or words that do not match your theme. For example if you are in the home business niche use this = or, instead of or You should also try to have your URL words in your title if possible.

2. Blog Everyday - Because the search engines are always looking for new content you should post everyday if possible. The more regular your posting the more favorable it will be to them. This is the most important part of your blogging experience so pay close attention to it. It will boost your ranking and lead to more traffic.

3. Interesting Categories - You should be creative in the naming of your blog categories. Try to use your keywords in them. For instance if your blog is about "home business" try to use words like "make money from home" or "secrets to making money". When you use different keywords related to your niche you could improve your ranking in the search engines.

4. Tag Your Content - It is important for your blog postings to get a lot of exposure and one way to do this is to tag your content. This can be accomplished by installing plug-ins or other software. Your ultimate goal is to get all the help you can get to improve your blog's visibility as that is what will improve your ranking and increase traffic.

5. Ping Every Time You Add New Content - Use a service to ping your blog each time you add new content to alert the search engines of this. Writing and posting unique content on a regular basis along with pinging is a sure way to increase your visibility. Two popular service that you can use for this are or

Blogging to improve your search engine ranking should be your main objective as an internet marketer. There are many factors that will determine how well your blog performs, but whatever you are doing you need to make sure that it is optimized for the search engines as this will give you a fighting chance to succeed.


About the Author:

Godfrey Thaxter is a marketing consultant who writes informative and inspiring articles providing tips and strategies for Home Business Success with your internet marketing business. Click The Link Now To Get Instant Access To The Highest Quality Advertising & Marketing On The Internet - And To See How You Can Explode Your Traffic Generation Using Articles!




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